0 Comments Cavendish connect smells of fish

Article written by the majestic Sean Lloyd on the 25 Mar 2008

Has anyone noticed over the past couple of days, when around the area of the escalators near The Wellness Warehouse in Cavendish Connect in Claremont, that it smells like fish? I noticed it sometime last week and on Saturday again.

I was sure I stumbled upon the answer though on Sunday when I read in The Sunday Times that Paris Hilton was in South Africa. But it wasn’t like that. Because it definitely did not smell like snoek. Nor koek. Nor rotting yellowtail. It just smelt fishy.

It’s very odd. I wish I knew what it was because it’s very disturbing. Chilling at The Wellness Warehouse trying to be healthy and stuff, and then smelling fish, is not ideal. I don’t even like fish.

The other reason why I’m convinced Parys has nothing to do with it is because I never broke out into a weird rash afterwards. Last time I got a handski from Paris I was sent to ICU for three months.

If I were Nicole Ritchie I would keep Paris away from the toddler.

You don’t want your child’s hair mysteriously falling out and then self combusting.

It’s a strange, strange world out there.

Sean Lloyd


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