4 Comments Wilbur Smith might be arrogant

Article written by the majestic Sean Lloyd on the 26 Apr 2009

They always say you should respect your elders.

I say you should respect your elders, unless they are seriously taking the piss. For this, it’s maximum respect!  The only newspaper I ever buy is The Sunday Times, so I can read the lifestyle section. I have no interest in the news because it’s all a load of rubbish. Every newspaper in the world is about sensationalism, and I must be honest, I’m more chilled not reading the news.

So anyway I was reading the page on Wilbur Smith today entitled “My Cape Town”

wilbur smith at pool

Not too sure of the Panama Hat goes with running shoes

Now it’s clear that we are in a recession, not because I say so, but because I keep hearing people talk about it.

“Mmmmm had to sell off all my kids again. Yip, all gone. Little Timmy? Working on a rice paddy in Tibet. Little Johnny? Training to be a Navy Seal. Sarah? Oh she’s doing some “personal work” in Amsterdam”

And then there’s Wilbur Smith!

Check this question they posed to him:

If you inherited R100 million, what would you do with it?

His answer:

“Peanuts! It wouldn’t even buy a decent private jet. Let’s talk real money”

NOOOOOOOOOO! No come on Wilbur, please tell me you’re making a joke here?

I can get away with saying this, because clearly I don’t have R100 million, so if I was saying it, it would be funny in a sarcastic sort of way. People would laugh because clearly I would be taking the piss.

But we know you’re mega wealthy, I do just hope you’re having a light hearted poke at the recession.

You are aren’t you?

Because HONESTLY, who in their right mind speaks like that?!!

I mean come on, to even wealthy people, no one talks about money like that. Not in such a flamboyant sense. I’m all for vulgar displays of wealth, I really am, but this? Pushing it a touch.

The thing is, if you were my age, you could probably get away with this. If I had your wealth, I could get away with this, because the sheer awesomeness of speaking about money like that at 24 years old would be hilarious. But at your age it’s just starting to come off as a touch…shall we say…recession unaware?

Don’t get me wrong, I know all about arrogance. We’re all arrogant. All humans are. We all think that in some way, we are awesome. We all think the world wouldn’t go on were we not here.

Wait maybe that’s just me.

Anyway, I do hope you were drunk or high, or being sarcastic when you called R100 million “peanuts”

I’ll be honest, I haven’t read your books, or much on you. I tend to go for reading with unnecessary sexual references, and reading that requires very little brain power, such as my own writing. I also enjoyed My Booky Wook by Russell Brand for it’s decadent drug use and sex addiction (HERE)

So I don’t really know your humour or your vibe in general.

But I take it that this is some sort of in joke, speaking of R100 million like it’s a bag of coal.

Vulgar displays of arrogance like this are fine if you’re under 30, because they’re then just hilarious, but at your age? Pure arrogance. Nice! No but really I hope you’re joking, because R100 million is quite a bit of money.

If you’re load shedding your bank account, mine is “Power Down”, so any excess can slip into my account.

Sean Lloyd



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Mark Faith @ Reply

That you’ve not read his books completely invalidates any opinion you may have. It’s called ignorance and prejudice to slag something off you know nothing about! Wilbur can factually say R100 million is peanuts because he’s become financially successful. He is doing something well and important with his life. He’s not bragging or judging, just stating his personal answer on a direct question. There’s people that can do and deserve their hard earned rewards. There’s people that can’t do and become… journalist, pitting one group against the other for the sake of sensationalising news. For what? Selling more of their hyped up opinions, to make other people more angry so we can generate more hate in the world? There’s nothing wrong with being rich or poor, but there is something wrong with prejudicial, shallow journalism.

Sean Lloyd @ Website Reply

Good point there Mark…

Yet I don’t think me not having read his books invalidates my opinion. I know he’s a great writer, that’s a given. I just think that when presented with the question “If you inherited R100 million, what would you do with it?”, giving an answer like that is a touch on the arrogant side. But does that make it bad? No.

Make no mistake, I don’t think arrogance is a bad thing, it can be hilarious. And also, if you had noted the angle I had used in this piece, it was heavily leaning on humour, laughing at the fact that Wilbur can speak of money like this.

It’s the general theme of SLXS, light heartedness. You’ll notice other posts like this, poking fun at the recession ( )

It’s all part of our theme of laughing at the recession.

To regular readers of the website, they will notice this, but I take it you’re not a regular reader.

That’s cool though, glad you dropped your opinion on this because piece you make some good points, if I was being totally serious when writing this piece. But I wasn’t. But it’s always good to have some discussion!

Hope this clears it up.

christian smith @Twitter ID Website Reply

makes you think of the old addage..if you want to know what god thinks about money..look who he gives it to

christian smith @Twitter ID Website Reply

ps on behalf of my brothers and myself..we are very grateful he has money..else he might have sold us off for medical experimentation..being biological freaks and all…(refer previous articles in south african newspapers) :)

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