0 Comments 2008 J&B Met

Article written by the awesome Team Excess on the 21 Jan 2008

I know I can’t believe it either! It was just under a year ago that I found myself looking for some bling for the J&B Met, and now another year is upon us and another dress theme awaits.

The J&B Met is a little bit crazy, I won’t lie to you. Scenes of debauchery are rarely experienced on this sort of scale. I mean, it’s not an uncommon sight for you to be surrounded by two or three chicks, all vying for your undivided attention, all wanting you. I’m not joking. Here is me trying to hold down the fort two or three years ago at the J&B Met:



Two angels, loads of drinks and just poor me trying to sing love songs, show off my physique and still stand after a huge day at the Met. That photo was taken in the evening after bending the day way out of shape. I would later fall into the hay bales.

It’s quite necessary to mention here that there is no point in bringing your A game to the J&B Met. It is QUITE necessary to BE the game. The people who attend the J&B Met are not your average crowd. They are preppy, high maintenance, high society and you want to get in there with them. It is your ticket to fame and fortune and if you can marry someone from one of the exclusive tents at the J&B Met, you can safely say that you will not be worried about money for the rest of your life.

The J&B Met cannot promise you true love, but it can offer you a shot at high society. And that’s never a bad thing.

Scenes such as this, taken last year, are not uncommon:


It’s all too much

You will literally find GROUPS of girls like this, all hot, all sexy and all over you! It’s madness. It’s sheer debauchery on an XS scale. It’s your life and you love it.

For the best tickets you probably want to drop R2000 on something decent. It’s pricey but Cape Towns finest come at a price. You will be hitting on celebrities and drinking and partying with the best of them. You will be kicking it. Your life will change as mine does at every single J&B Met.

The Equus Lounge is this years hot ticket and it is the high society of Cape Towns high society. If you are in there you are guaranteed to score. Click EQUUS LOUNGE to check out the website and then try and tell me that you don’t want to be inside that tent, mingling with the best of the best. Insane!

Tickets for the J&B Met cost R125, which gains you entrance. But for the best in lifestyle excess, click J&B MET to be directed to the website and then click “Hospitality” in the left hand bar. There you will find the best places to be at the J&B Met.

The theme this year is Connect Couture and I have no idea what that means. Whatever you wear though, it will be covered in dust and booze by the end of the day if you are there to party. It will be crazy!

Let’s just hope the parking lot does not catch on fire again.

Sean Lloyd
