6 Comments Steri Stumpie And Levi’s Team Up With Young Designers On A T-Shirt Range

Article written by the awesome Sean Lloyd on the 26 Oct 2009

Don’t you love it when the kids go “No mammie give a Steri Stumpie!”

It’s what we in the industry refer to as “priceless”

Anyway you can win one of 900 Limited Edition Steri Stumpie t-shirts which we will get into now. I am going to show you a photo from the Steri Stumpie website of the t-shirt but I’m only showing you one!

Steri T-Shirt

I can’t handle this!

The reason being is because I’m truly freaked out by the masks the models are wearing! I’m being serious it really freaks me out and it’s due to me hating anything with a mask on. If I can’t see your face I get freaked out.

I also HATE porcelain dolls and I don’t know how people can have them in their rooms. I once slept at a house where the spare room bed was covered in porcelain dolls, and I had to take each one off one by one, with those funny eyes looking at me. It was honestly the scariest day of my life and I know I’m a grown man but I admit to being freaked out by porcelain dolls. Oh and clowns.  Do not approach me in a clown suit! I’m serious because I will kill you. I will, I will grab the nearest object and start beating you. I’ll drive over you in my car.

But my main reason for being scared of things like porcelain dolls and clowns is because of a story I heard from many different people and apparently it’s true.

This chick was baby sitting some kids, and the parents left the house…

No jokes, I’m on the verge of tears, it’s nearly 10pm and I’m writing this alone and…is my back door locked?

…so the parents leave the house and this chick is left to put the kids to bed and sleep over, in the spare room. She goes into the room, turns the light on and sees in the corner, on a chair, a life size clown mannequin. Finding this a little freaky for a family to keep a life size clown, she tries to ignore it and goes to bed anyway. She’s lying there, but has this weird feeling about her that it’s not normal for a family to keep this clown.

The rest of the house was completely normal and there were no collections of anything that would hint at this family keeping a clown in the spare room. Anyway she cannot help but thinking that things are strange. She gets out of bed and looks at the clown and it hasn’t moved.

So she cruises out the room and gets onto the phone. She phones the parents and asks them if she can please sleep in the other room because as weird as it is, she is a little freaked out by the clown sitting on the chair in the corner of the room.

The parents are shocked and ask “What clown?”

“You know, the clown in the corner of the spare room?”

“There is no clown in the spare room”

At this point she was told to immediately grab the kids, call the police and evacuate the house!

So as the story goes, the clown was a real person from a mental ward who was harmless but used to dress as a clown, break into peoples houses and just sit there!

I mean, have you ever in your life?! This is probably my main reason for still being scared of the dark. You think I’m joking but I’m dead serious, I cannot handle clowns, the dark and porcelain dolls. Make no mistake I love the dolls! And I like going out at night, but coming into the driveway (Not like that — sis) at 4am still freaks me out every time. I’m one of those people who is like “I bet I’ll be the statistic of that weird crime this month”

You know the crimes that never happen, but you’re convinced they’ll happen to you? Yeah those ones! I have at certain times in my life been convinced that:

  • I’ll be washing my face in the shower, eyes closed, I’ll open them and I will see the figure of a clown through the frosted glass door. It got so bad at one time that I would refuse to close my eyes in the shower, and I’d leave the door open and make the dogs sit at the door.
  • I’ll arrive home one night and my dogs will have been poisoned and then I’ll basically walk into a crime scene and be witness to some mad stuff!
  • I’ll wake up with a crew of criminals ransacking my room.
  • And my absolute worst nightmare is that I’m going to get into my car and a hijacker will either be on my backseat or in my boot. To this day before getting into my car at night I first look in to see of there is someone on the back seat, I’m paranoid like that!

So anyway this is about Steri Stumpie and they have launched new flavours and all that jazz, including Marshmallow and Raspberry.

Steri Stumpie Marshmallow

Which sounds fantastic! Unfortunately I don’t drink milk so I won’t be trying them, but I’d probably wrap one of those shirts around my tanned body! And the next thing you know, you’ll be wrapped around me!

Anyway check out the vibe and enter to win one of the t-shirts by clicking here


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Aldous Huxley Website Reply

dude this is so funny! i am laughing me in my p**s right now. you know even tho im coloured and stuff im just as paranoid. especially if im baked. i always think that there is some guy sitting in the lounge when i get home just waiting for me lol. im weird like that i guess. funny story man hahaha!

peace out!

October 27 2009 12:32 pm Sean Lloyd Website

Ha ha ha! Mammie!

craig Website Reply

Marshmellow and Rasberry Steri Stumpi… WTF… YES PLEASE:) hahahaha, are they out yet?? I want I want I want…

October 27 2009 16:06 pm Sean Lloyd Website

I'm not too sure I think they should send you some though! OH cough hint cough hint hint

craig Website Reply

I think they should send me some too… can you organise for a brother:)

October 28 2009 15:27 pm Sean Lloyd Website

If they're sending you're getting!

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