I generally try to hang around good looking chicks, because otherwise I get a bad reputation. It’s not that I’m a doos or anything, but I know the fat chick mentality.
They see me talking to one fat chick at a club, and suddenly they think I am “fat chick friendly” which I most certainly am not. I’m as cold as ice towards fat chicks. You also don’t want to talk to them because the slightest hint of friendliness has them thinking that they are going to sleep with you. Trust me…I have experienced these beasts before.
What? I’m serious, I’m not shallow. I just like hot girls.
Anyway, you will all know a fat chick by association. Because all hot girls walk around with a bunch of mingers, so they look ultra hot. As soon as Nicole Ritchie started losing her pies, Paris Hilton dropped her. You see, it’s even proven in Hollywood.
Anyway, talking of fat chicks, I think there are some of you (Not you my readers, some other girls I know, and they know who they are) that have been eating way too many pies over winter. It’s time to go for a run, tubby.
Right back to the Smarties. I give this fat chick…
Wait…is it suddenly rude to say “fat chick”? Must I say big boned?
Well I would pumpkin tits, but bones do NOT get cellulite on them!
And anyway, you call guys fat and it seems ok. At least we get fat by drinking beer and having fun with our friends, instead of having a girls sleep over where you all cry over boyfriends and then tuck into Oreos and ice cream.
Shoooo! I’m mean today…this is the lean and angry editor!
So this chick I know, which I will deny to my death, leaves a box of Smarties in my car the other day. I had to lift her somewhere because she cannot walk. She is not disabled, she’s just lazy. And hence she is fat.
So now I see the God forsaken box in my car and immediately it reminds me of her, which is not a good thing. I pick up the box, careful to use a tissue so as not to get sweat from her grubby paws on my delicately crafted hands.
Smarties: Pull fat chicks into a trance
Anyway I start to read the box and realise why tubby has been given a false sense of security over eating a box of Smarties. The box says:
“Did you know? Smarties is a rich source of energy. Each 25 g serving (25 Smarties) provides 483 kilojoules”
Since when can manufacturers do this? McDonalds could also do this.
“McDonalds is the BEST source of energy in the world!”
Then in small print:
“You going to get thunder thighs you tub of lard”
Honestly, it’s not false information, but it’s putting information in the wrong context I suppose. I mean, it’s ridiculous. And I don’t have time to take Nestle to court (Too busy boning supermodels at the pool) but I’m not worried if they lie or not.
But when they lie, and it affects the girls round me, then I get angry. I know one box of Smarties won’t make you fat, just as one drink won’t make you an alcoholic. But let’s be honest, who can only have one drink? I mean really, I refuse to leave the bottle until it is finished.
Have some dignity, there are sober kids in India and here we leave a bottle half empty!
I can see the scenario already, I’m going to walk into a club one night and see one huge ass bitch. As per usual, I will avoid her, but she will call me.
“Sssssshhhhh…ssssshhhh…..SSSSSSeeeeeaaaaaNNNN!” She will splutter, as another Sweetie Pie gets shoved down the hatch.
“Sorry the slaughterhouse is that way, and they don’t do donkeys” I would casually say.
“SSSSEEEEEaaaaaN it’s me! Kate!”
“Oh Jesus Mary and Joseph! What didn’t you eat skank? You are quite a fatty boom boom!”
“Sean I’m not fat! I’m NOT fat! I’m a rich source of energy!”
“Well unless we want to send another man to the moon, or all want drive Hummers, I don’t think we have a need for that amount energy you pie eating machine”
You see what we are dealing with by Smarties replacing “Smarties are fattening” to “Smarties are a rich source of energy”?
DO you see? DO YOU?
I think the consequences are dire for planet earth. The last thing we need are more girls who are wider than they are tall. No wonder I’m single, all the nice girls are big, and all the skinny girls are stuck up.
I know big girls are nice, and intellectual, and fun to speak to, but honestly, If I wanted to look at your brain, or talk to it, I would.
It’s clear though that I want you to be in shape so you don’t break my back and I at least have some sort of credibility in this town. And please don’t read this and cry…because I know when you cry you eat ice cream.
And let’s be honest…that’s the last thing you or your ass needs right now, because a moment on the lips (Facial) means a lifetime on the hips.
Sean Lloyd
Charlie V @