2 Comments A Little Bit Of This A Little Bit Of That

Article written by the majestic Sean Lloyd on the 03 Sep 2010

Sometimes I have little bits of who knows what on my mind, but not quite enough to warrant a full post. Like the Ray Ban Never Hide post…it was a bit shit really! But I wanted you to see it anyway. But it didn’t deserve its own post. But I gave it one anyway. Because we’re not printed on paper, so it doesn’t really matter. Al Gore can’t complain.

I wrote this on Monday, bear with me. Weekends always bring questions, such as, why is the service so slow at Clicks in Cavendish, and why on EARTH have they placed the tills at such a confusing angle? The shop is a complete muff show.

It also brought the question as to how Primi Piatti in Cavendish actually runs? We ended up there on Saturday, where I had the chicken kebabs. And by kebabs I mean bouncing balls, that was pretty much the texture of them. I sent them back, and they said they took the chicken off the menu after that. They were quite possibly the most hideous kebabs on the planet, ever. But the service was another story. Waiting 20-25 minutes before our waiter appeared again, asking for the bill and not getting it. Having pizzas shoveled into a box way too small, by our waiter, at our table? Priceless.

The overall feel of Primi is also awesome. If you’re a meth head in a warehouse. Air conditioning pipes everywhere, a fan big enough to clear the smell from a sewerage farm, cold concrete, darkness…Jesus, who came up with the idea for that interior? Murder scenes are probably warmer feeling.

Entourage Season 6 is blowing my mind, you should get it. Get The In Betweeners as well, if you can. It will blow your balls/tits back.

I’m using Ebay and a lot lately, just had some stuff delivered, The Best Camera book, as well as some new hair products (Although don’t tell the guys about this, obviously I had a barrel of Jack delivered). Try Ebay and, get the products you can’t get in SA. And get them for amazing prices on Ebay.

As South Africans, are we just accustomed to shit service? After the experiences at some shops and restaurants in Cape Town, as soon as I receive decent service, I’m almost inclined to give massive tips. But shouldn’t stellar service be standard? Shouldn’t we be treated well, no matter what? I mean, I went into that dark and depressing computer store in Cavendish, near Kauai to grab a hard drive. The guy said he’d order a Western Digital external for me and call me back that day, or the next, to pick it up. Never heard back from him. No problem though, I’ll just never shop there again.

On that note, Incredible Connection is also a mess in Cavendish. Why are there so many staff? That many staff doing nothing at the front of the store makes it look messy. Have the staff mingle around, or even hang back. Walking into a group of staff asking if you need help isn’t everyone’s idea of fun.

Woolworths environmental campaigns. If they’re so concerned about the environment, why do they package so many individual servings of food?
Two pieces of sushi in a plastic container. One stick of biltong in plastic. It’s a bit of a waste.

What do you think of people who get their cars model as their personalized number plate?

Sweet Pope On A Rope Smoking Dope

Personally I think these people need to be put down at the vet. Wow, their lives must be SO exciting if they’re SO creative. On that note, should kids be allowed to drive?

2plus1 — Are you serious? You paid for this?

I’m loving phone photography at the moment, I mean the Blackberry’s camera isn’t that good, but I’ve been using it, even on SLXS. It’s just easy, take a photo and e-mail it to myself and load it. I’d love an iPhone 4 though, 5mp camera in the slickest package possible. Took this on my Blackberry:

Waddup J Dog

Does anyone know anything about the Subaru Impreza that has been sitting in the parking garage in The Claremont (Those apartments opposite Tin Roof and Lizzards) It’s been there for years, collecting dust, and it has not moved. Should we steal it?

I won a trip to Durbanville. No jokes, I don’t joke about this.

The question is, should I take it? Do you want me to review the boerie curtain? Comments please…

I’m also stoked that the bananas I bought are in actual fact meant for complete monkeys. You get a colouring in picture on the back, stoked.

I’m also having quite a bit of fun looking at the e-mails I receive from randoms, people who think I’m the mayor of Cape Town. I mean, I am, but seriously, come now…check this, just one of the many I receive on a constant basis:

billabong email

WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING?!!! I’m reading this, not listening to it in a night club…

And this one:

cape town shops email

“Hey Found your blog so much fun to read. I’m coming to capetown in December and am dying to hit all the best shops. Where do you reccomend I go? thanks so much!”

I mean, how is that first one. No hello. No thanks. No nothing really, who teaches people to write e-mails these days? Aaaah the tik addicted Mxit generation. God save the Queen.

And yes my darling I’d love to do a quick write up on shops that you would like, based on the fact that I don’t know anything about you and what you like. Sorry, is this Because I must be seriously mistaken then, I thought it was

Two things I want you to read:

A rad interview with Ryan Sandes, Hout Bays ultra marathon runner, on Urban Ninja. Click here for that.

‘Will Cape Town Drivers Please Wake The Fuck Up’ by Nash. Absolutely brilliant! Click here for that.

And that’s it, a little bit of everything for a Friday.
Nothing life changing, nothing too exciting or hectic, just easing you into the weekend. No lube required.

Although these chaps may need lube…

Why are we still writing like this, Cape Times?

As if the kids of today aren’t exposed to enough crazy shit already.

Have a good weekend people, I love you all (Except those of you who write me retarded e-mails. I still love you, in a dumber kind of way that you can understand), see you all on Monday!



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Firstly, why the fuck would you order the kebabs at Primi (didn’t even know the place was still open)?

Secondly, “Sorry, is this” Phenomenal!

September 03 2010 14:35 pm Sean Lloyd Website

Ha ha, I just reeeeally wanted chicken, and I saw people eating kebabs there ages back, so I thought I'd try something new. FAIL. Stick to what you know! In fact, stick to what you know and don't go to Primi. That reminds me of this AWESOME chicken joke I know. Because all chicks like chicken, this always works.

So you go "Do you like chicken?"
And little angel tits is like "Yeah I love it"

And then you lay down the law "Well then suck my cock cos it's foul"

BOOM and welcome to the weekend!

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