0 Comments Ray Ban Never Hide: Viral Advertising That is Rad

Article written by the majestic Sean Lloyd on the 29 Aug 2010

I meant to write this a while back, and still had some text in a draft so it is a bit outdated, but I still think it’s rad. The reason I started writing it was because I never quite knew what the print versions of the ads meant when they said ‘Never Hide’. I then came to learn that it was from their ‘Never Hide Films’, that created the classic sunglasses catch video. Viral advertising is essentially advertising that spreads quickly over various social media platforms, and the recent Roger Federer video of him hitting a tin off a guys head is no doubt some sort of viral campaign. The most popular Ray Ban advert is the Sunglasses Catch, as seen below:

That video spread quickly over the internet amassing some 4.5 million views. To get that many views on traditional media would cost a fortune. Viral marketing is no doubt the way to go if you want your brand noticed in this day and age because everyone is in one the social media vibe, and a hit like this can spread across the globe. The only problem is that it’s difficult to replicate successes like this. We could definitely use more viral advertising locally…but I suppose it’s not that easy.

So next time asks you about viral advertising…well now you know!

You see, you learn something new every day! I’m joking, I have learnt absolutely nothing today, but then again, I did fail my IQ test on Friday. Not the highlight of my entire life, but at least I can say I tried it.

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