0 Comments Jim Marshall Rock Photography

Article written by the majestic Sean Lloyd on the 16 Aug 2010

I’m a pretty firm believer that visuals and acoustics keep the world together. I’m not talking about seeing and speaking, but rather photography and music. Photos and music have that ability to really move you and create emotions, as well as freezing time. Think back to songs that take you back to a certain point in time, dancing in that club, rolling on that road trip or just meeting amazing people. Music freezes time just as much as photos do.

I’ve always had an interest in creative pursuits, and this is why music and photos really interest me. While some people will see photos and think “Cool, that’s nice”, I’m fascinated by photos and the times they represent, the emotions they capture and the nature in which they were taken. I’d like to think I’m a creative type, and strict business talk and numbers and accounting don’t interest me at all…clearly! So when I was Googling some photographers, I came across Jim Marshall who has shot pretty much anyone who is cool, soooo…I though you might be interested in his photos!


The Beatles

bod dylan kicking tyre




johnny cash flipping the bird

Johnny Cash: San Quentin Prison

mick jagger jack daniels

Jagger and Uncle Jack

I still think the best photography is not about the best lighting and camera settings and equipment. The best photography is always about the moment, just being there and capturing that moment. And this naturally means being there in the moment, which is what made jim Marshall so awesome. He was there, and that made for great photos. I’m especially interested in music photography, obviously because it combines music and photography (Obviously!). Music has brought us some of the greatest moments in history, and this is one of the reasons why we should also pay for good music, instead of blindly downloading it and taking it from friends hard drives.

Still one of my favorite moments in music was this from U2.

And I really do think music and photography make the world go round, or at least keep it cemented together. Could you possibly live without music and photos?

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