Due to my various engagements (Not of a marriage type), I often find it very difficult to remember certain situations. I’ll forget someones name, or an entire evening. It’s not that I’m rude, in forgetting peoples names, but due to my creative side I sometimes drift off and lose the plot of what is currently happening.
Which brings me to…where was I?
Oh, so there have surely been situations where people have said to me (It was a girl!) “You’re the worlds hardest man” I can’t remember this though…again…that creative side.
We’re getting more to what I wanted to speak about.
Ok, so those that know me will know that I do enjoy trail running and you may have seen me on Alphen Trail or in Newlands forest, or just yogging on the yoad.
But there is a man who I saw mentioned in GQ a while back, and he is in this months FHm. So I hope you’re all carrying this months FHM! Besides the girls, I find the article on Dean Karnazes the most fascinating read of my life. The story of Dean Karnazes is that he is the worlds fittest man, and this isn’t some claim to make the story sound cool. He really is the most insane athlete in the world, and he pushes the boundaries of what is possible.
Dean “Kamikaze” Karnazes — I just made the Kamikaze part up right now. No jokes.
They say the body has its limits but the mind doesn’t, but Deans body truly is limitless. He’s run 50 marathons in 50 days. He’s run for three and a third days without rest or sleep (Unheard of). He’s jogged 560km without a break.
In short, he is the worlds toughest man and we’re unlikely to see anything on the scale of DeanKarnazes again. It’s just imposssible to think that someone can run for over three days without sleeping. To me, it seems impossible, bound by the laws of the world. No one should physically be able to do this.
He’s run the Badwater Ultramarathon across Californias Death Valley, and the heat was so outrgaeous that he had to wear a white nuclear fallout suit. On that run, his shoes would melt. Effect of this run included vomiting, hallucinations and diarrhoea. His eyes got so damaged that his vision changed between photographic negative and night vision green, which is hectic to say the least.
There was also a 160km race where Dean outran tow US Army Rangers. One army ranger had pushed his limits so far that he started bleeding out of his ear. Another man on the run pulled out due to acute renal failure.
All of this sounds like some bad movie script, but this man lives. His name is Dean Karnazes and he’s out there re-writing the history books on the human psyche. He’s as tough as nails and there seems to be nothing in the world that can possibly stop him.
He has written a book called “Ultramarathon Man:Confessions of an all night runner” which is available at all good book stores.
I’d highly recommend the June 2009 issue of FHM for this truly insane story.
And click HERE for Deans website.
Sean Lloyd
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