1 Comments Let’s Just Chat On Beauty For A Moment

Article written by the brilliant Sean Lloyd on the 27 Oct 2009

Something I’m always sort of perplexed by is most guys inabilities to actually just go out and say “Ja, that guy is good looking”

It came up the other day in a conversation, and I was saying something about some guy being good looking. Now for some reason society has deemed it wrong for any man to admit that another man is good looking. All guys know if someone is ugly and they’ll go “Oh have you seen this oke, jeepers bru I can’t believe he’s dating Nicole”

Lyle Lovett Ugly

Lyle Lovett: Uuuuuuugly

So they do know what ugly looks like, and they must have some sort of benchmark to set ugly against, and that benchmark would be beauty. So a guy will say Lyle Lovett is ugly but he will never say that Brad Pitt is beautiful, good looking, call it what you may.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt: Beautiful

Because we’re so scared of what other people think, and we can’t possibly have people refer to us as gay can we? No, never, that would be terrible!

To be honest, I don’t really care what other people think of me. I’ll openly let people know that a guy is good looking if someone is asking, because everyone else knows it anyway, they’re just afraid of being judged. And what is the problem really?

So if I say a guy is good looking, from that you can either deduce that I’m gay or straight. If I’m straight, then what’s the problem?

If I’m gay, what’s the problem?

It’s just annoying when conversations come up and guys stay out of them going “How am I supposed to know if a guy is good looking?”

Ok well done tool, now that you have asserted how manly you are, let us know what you really think!

I’m just saying, as a straight guy it’s fine to admit that a guy is good looking.

No one’s going to kill you.

You’re not going to suddenly turn gay.

The world will keep on turning.

You’ll receive a salary at the end of the month.

Good, now that’s out of the way.


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I’m a guy and I have absolutly no problem looking in the mirror and saying ‘Chrrrist, that Nash guy is hot’.

It’s totally not gay.

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