I was having some flashbacks over the weekend when I thought I lost my Ray Bans, and a memory flashed into my head o these roll up sunglasses I used to roll with as a child. Let’s hope these are one of the vintage accessories that never make a comeback, even amongst the hipsters. Photos on the read more[...]
You can tell me what you like about using the right camera, the right lenses, the right photo editing program. But nothing will replace a truly fascinating subject, and simply being there, at that moment in time.
Johnny Depp, Noel Gallagher and Kate Moss
Kate Moss, Johnny Depp and Iggy Pop. So much awesome right there.
This is one of the coolest photos of James Dean, on his motorcycle. I love the imperfection of old photographs, I just feel that the ‘perfection’ of modern day photos, with Photoshop and touch ups, takes away from the moment that the picture is trying to capture. Click on for the full photo [...]
Keith Richards lifestyle of drugs and booze has left us with some epic photos of the man, with nearly every one showing him with a drink in his hand. Here are some of my favourites, and it makes you wonder how this legend is still alive, a truly amazing rock star. One of the few remaining rock stars actually [...]
Dave Grohl must have some of the most epic stories of a life lived in excess. And he’s still awesome. And less nerdy looking these days