0 Comments Make The Perfect Ice For Your Whisky

Article written by the awesome Sean Lloyd on the 15 Nov 2011

polar ice pebble

I hate regular ice trays. They never work and they produce ice that is hardly good to look at. When you’re spending a few hundred rand on whisky and a few hundred rand on a good glass, why ruin it with broken, cloudy ice? You need pure, crystal clear ice. What exactly is this polar ice tray about? Let them tell you:

polar ice tray man

Polar Ice is the revolutionary brand of ice trays that makes crystal clear ice at home, using a patented technique that imitates nature.

Clear Ice is pure ice, with no impurities – there are no cloudy, opaque centres as found in ordinary ice, which is formed when impurities such as dissolved solids and gasses are trapped in the ice. Clear ice is completely transparent and see-through.

Polar Ice is healthier as well. Its clear ice has no taste or odours trapped inside, so it will not alter the flavour of your drink, making it ideal for fine spirits like single malt whisky and cognacs.

The sophistication of cracked ice

Before the invention of refrigerators, blocks of ice were cut from frozen rivers and stored in icehouses for use throughout the year. Back then, bars displayed the huge block of ice from which the bartender chipped off irregular chunks for your drink with an ice pick. Recently, at the world’s most sophisticated bars, this form of ice has found favour once again.

Thanks to Polar Ice, you can now serve irregular chunks of cracked ice.

How awesome? Yeah!

Click here to get your hands on one.

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