Sorry for the slowness at SLXS but I have some disturbing news. I am on an IV drip for Shattered Nerves Syndrome caused by awesome. And not by my own lifestyle, but by those of some other people. There is a website called We Are Awesome and they have all sorts of stuff, but importantly they have photos of people just seen on the street and in clubs and what they’re wearing. From what I know it’s all Cape Town and to be completely honest my brain is fried (Not from acid) from the ridiculous people in the photos. I gather that they are taking the piss by calling the site “We Are Awesome” and they actually named the site We Are Awesome because of this guy, sort of like an in joke type thing. It’s a very sick website, I enjoy it. I don’t quite enjoy the following individual, but each to their own. Please enjoy one of the most intriguing and confusing individuals of YOUR life:
Ja, like cool, just chilling babes! I just…um…I just.
I just…I just…I just sometimes don’t know anymore.
What’s the point of living?
(Thanks Gabz)
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