What is Cape Town’s weather like?
Cape Town benefits from some of the finest weather on the planet with long, hot summers accentuated by movie stars and models visiting the city, and capped off with the hottest crowd and the best nightclubs in the world. Everything about Cape Town revolves around excess, from million rand cars to mansions for houses, it’s all here. Some of Cape Town’s favourite nightclubs and restaurants are located on the Camps Bay Strip overlooking palm trees and the beach and provide the perfect setting for the worlds elite. We’ve seen Billy Zane in the city, Matt Damon, Colin Farrell, Salma Hayek, President Clinton and Jared Leto to mention but a few of the movie stars who have come to work and play in the city.
Summers generally hit a high note from November right through till March, giving us a full five months of sheer summer bliss. In those 5 months you will see more parties, more fun and more money than you would care to know.
As a playground for the rich and famous, Cape Town sets the scene for people to indulge in their wildest fantasies. Beach parties, pool parties, house parties, parties parties, it’s all here!
Winters can get cold, but never extremely cold and most people get away with jeans and thicker tops, but it’s really not necessary to break out the NorthFace and GoreTex jackets because we won’t be seeing snow!
Summer requires nothing more than some boardshortsor a bikini, and your credit card. The action is all provided by the city and it’s locals, who don’t even dream of going anywhere else in the world. There is no other place in the world where so many people in a city take photos of their sunsets. Look at any person in Cape Towns cellphone, and you are virtually guaranteed to find a photo of a sunset in it.
We love the city, and we know you will too.
So come on, book your ticket and come and explore the city of dreams.
I’ll see you around the city!
And if you need anything relating to Cape Town, getting here, really…anything, then don’t hesitate to contact me at seanl (at) slxs (dot) co (dot) za
Sean Lloyd
Live from Cape Town