Men’s Health Lighthouse 10km fun run this Wednesday
I do hope your training for the Two Oceans (Half) is going well, I was out running yesterday in that heat. I know, I am a machine, and I’ll probably win the race this year.
Anyway if your training is not going strong, then it’s time to kick it up. I’ve been trail running in Tokai forest and it’s awesomely rad.
Now this Wednesday, the 4th of March, Men’s Health are hosting a 10km fun (Ha ha) run from the lighthouse at Mouille Point in Cape Town. I trust you will be there!
What you need to know:
What? Men’s Health Lighthouse 10km fun run
Date: Wednesday the 4th of March 2009
Time: Registration at 16:45 with the race starting at 18:15 (And Sean Lloyd finishing at 18:30)
Place: Mouille Point Lighthouse, Cape Town.
Entry fee: Ranges from R10 - R35
Wear something tight. I love it when you are in that tight Nike clothing, sweating…
Did I ever tell you that you are beautiful?
Touch it.
Sean Lloyd