Woolworths FlavourBurst grapes are what you need
This is quite a funny story because I went into Pick ‘n Pay the other day and left thinking someone was trying to poison me. Their grapes were so horrendously shit that it tasted like pure gasoline. The grapes were the organic black grapes and they were the worst experience of my life. Bitter as hell, they dried my mouth out instantly, leaving me to think that that psycho chick that stalked me was poisoning me…again.
It just turns out that Pick ‘n Pays quality control team DON’T exist. What a novel idea! And these grapes had seeds. Who on earth still sells grapes with seeds? It’s mental.
But the Woolworths Flavour Burst SEEDLESS grapes are an absolute treat. They taste so sweet and delicious that you think you are being naughty and eating sweeties. For a second I nearly spat them out, thinking I was eating a sugary sweet, and wondering what this would do to the orange peel on my fat thighs!
Grapes are just so good for you, and while they do have a high glycaemic index, I believe the glycaemic load is not hectic. This is all from memory, but if I’m correct, you need to eat a shit load of grapes to raise your sugar levels significantly. I could be wrong, but what do I look like, Tim Noakes?
They’re full of anti-oxidants and will make your skin look NIIIIIIICE. Plus it’s good to put that burger down. Get some fresh, colourful food in your diet. Lose some weight.
Visit me when you’re thin again.
Get them, R17,95 for 500 grams from Woolworths.
Sean Lloyd