Sony Vaio Vagina
Browsing that magazine, Stuff, or something like that I can’t remember at all.
Anyway I was browsing this magazine and came across (And possibly on) a Sony Vaio computer that is obviously for chicks because it’s pink. I’ll add here that it is perfectly fine for guys to wear pink, or salmon as I like to call it. I do it all the time and I am AWESOME! Ha…
You remember back in the D when editing guys on movies used slip a frame of a cock or a vag into the movie, this is exactly what the engineers at Sony have done, and it has resulted in one of the most hilarious acts of electronic jokery this century! The only thing is, ABSOLUTELY no one seems to have noticed this, except me and my filthy mind.
So it’s a Sony. A Sony Vaio. It’s pink. Model number SR-VGN-SR26GN/P.
They say it is “unimaginatively named” I say it’s genius.
Oh my wept, are you seeing this? NO?
What is wrong with you child?!
pink vaio sr-vgn-sr26gn/p
All secret code? Let’s crack the secret!
Let’s highlight some things.
PINK VAIo sr-VGN-sr26gn/P
So it’s PINK, then take the VA from “Vaio”, then take the “g” from “VGN”, the “i” from “vaio”, take the “n” from “VGN” and the “a” from “Vaio”
VAGINA! And to top it all off, they put a P at the end. Put your P in the V!
Seriously, did no one else see this? Am I the only one?
Do I have too much time on my hands?
I think you forget that I do all of this for you, to enhance your life.
I trust your life has been enhanced today.
I love you and want to kiss you.
Sean Lloyd