Cruising Cape Town in a sidecar
As you know, a little while back I was in attendance and drunkenness at the Nokia launch, and as these guys were not from Cape Town, we treated them to some of the best of what Cape Town has to offer.
Until the day, I actually never knew about a company called Cape Sidecar Adventures. I had seen sidecars cruising around Cape Town before, but I thought it was a handful of enthusiasts just taking the bikes out for a little shmishmortion. Or toboggan.
The crew: No economic recession in sight
Another day at work for me
Well lo and behold, Cape Sidecar Adventures will pretty much take you anywhere on a sidecar! You don’t have to do anything, they pick you up at a designated point and you just hop into the sidecar, and get driven around on a tour of this AMA-ZING city! I can honestly tell you that this is the most fun you can have with your clothes on in Cape Town.
It’s so insane, these bikes are like pieces of art and there was even the military style one which suited me because I’m such a tough character. Except that I drink champagne. And moisturise. And I listen to Modern Talking. And I burn incense. Ok…maybe I’m not quite as tough as I think. But I do own a Swiss Army Knife and a Bear Grylls fire starting tool, so there is a bit of outdoorsman side to me.
I was smashing about the Cape Sidecar Adventures website now and good Lord, you can actually buy a sidecar! Everyone is into cruising to the shops on their scooters, now imagine how cool and old school it would be to rock up at the corner cafe on a sidecar. Cool has a name, and it’s sidecar! Rolling anywhere on one of these is way cooler than rolling in on your Vespa. Chicks will dig it, you will dig it and Cape Town will surely be better off with loads of sidecars rather than actual cars.
Less petrol being burnt, less pollution and more fun.
Anyway the Nokia guys cruised along the beautiful Cape coastline and took a breather at the stunning Chapmans Peak where they stopped off at one of the picnic spots to take in the view.
Kaka view
While everyone savoured the view I savoured more important things like champagne and also the hilarious names of some of the sidecars.Check these two out:
Gypsey, let me harvest 2 litre Coke bottle of your tears!
Yeah! Gonna get some, gonna ride it!
I really would recommend anyone visiting Cape Town, or even living in Cape Town, to take a sidecar adventure with Cape Sidecars. It’s something so different and offers you a totally unique way of seeing this beautiful city and is something not often spoken about. Many of my friends don’t even know about it, but it’s definitely something that I personally recommend and will be promoting amongst the Cape Town crowd and to visitors to this city. What good times!
Click here to check out all you need to know about Cape Sidecar Adventures as well as to book and even BUY a sidecar.
Sean Lloyd