Richard Dorfmeister at Caprice in Cape Town
I have absolutely no idea who Richard Dorfmeister is! Excuse me for my ignorance…
But it would seem that he is playing at Caprice very soon. Next Friday in fact. And you are quite keen to go. Ok. I’m keen myself.
So here is what we need to know and do:
Richard Dorfmeister
4 April 2008
Cafe Caprice
Camps Bay Strip
Cape Town
Click URBANWAVE to apply for an invite. You might get one. Or you might not.
Either way it will be a Friday, the boss will have left at 11am for home and you and your office mates will be smashing back whisky and beer as though the apocalypse is coming.
It’s going to be one crazy Caprice Friday. Once again I will probably be the person throwing my name the furthest. Because that’s what I do. I chuck name at any given opportunity. And on Any Given Sunday(You’d think they would have made a movie with that name already. It just sounds right. You know…I’m just throwing it out there. Movie studio bosses can take it or leave it. Base it on football or something. I don’t know)
Sean Lloyd