This is interesting for those of you who have been hard waiting for the new iPad 2, those whose lives basically have come to nothing, and all you can talk about is your new gadgets because you’re so interesting! Nevertheless, the iPad 2 does looks awesome and if you want to give me one, feel free. [...]
I wasn’t even around for most of these, but these were the days of advertising! Now we have to have concepts, activations, pitches, consumer engagement, Facebook and Twitter…what happened to the old school ad, that let people know that your product was hot shit, and using it would end up in you having sex on an island? [...]
The leather jacket is by far one of my favourite items of clothing, on men and women, it just always looks right. If you’ve got the right leather jacket, you can kick life in the face. I just added the thumbnail of Sofia there, to encourage you to read the post. Ha ha. [...]
People have their own unique ideas of a ‘bucket list’, and others just have lists of things they want to do. I have no interest in going to Madame Tussauds, I don’t want to spot mingers in London…but I want, no, NEED to go to tornado alley. It’s a burning deep within my loins, that needs to be extinguished. [...]
You can tell me what you like about using the right camera, the right lenses, the right photo editing program. But nothing will replace a truly fascinating subject, and simply being there, at that moment in time.
Johnny Depp, Noel Gallagher and Kate Moss
Kate Moss, Johnny Depp and Iggy Pop. So much awesome right there.
I haven’t been this excited about the word ‘disco’ since Zohan did the disco with his gigantic package. Puma have taken the best of many bikes, to bring us one awesome city bike. And I want one. Check out all the radness when your mouse eats the ‘Read More’ thing. [...]
No arms, no legs, no problem! A phenomenal video by Nick Vujicic, you can also grab his book on Exclus1ves, link and video after the jump.
I’ll be honest with you, you don’t get better than Llandudno. And with the price of renting a one bedroom apartment in town, and even in the Claremont area, why not live the beach lifestyle instead? For less than R6000? Click on to live the dream [...]
When you think of cleavage, if Kelly Brook doesn’t come to mind, then there is very likely something wrong with you. She is the definition of cleavage and good times! Shame on you Billy…shame on you. Kelly Brook ass video included, and a video of her in a bikini on the beach in Cape Town, because I’m cool like that. [...]
My girlfriend mentioned this one day, but I never knew what she was talking about because I’m never up early enough to actually listen to Gareth Cliff. Then I saw the clip on, and it’s awesome! Check the video after the jump. [...]
I first spotted this little clip on Sports Illustrated, showing the Red Bull F1 car taking a little cruise along Chapmans Peak. I never thought the day would come where I’d see that! Click on for the video [...]
I really love this by Adidas Originals, shot and edited by Rowan Pybus, it gives us a slice of the Woodstock life. It’s so real and raw, and shows a side of Cape Town that some of us may choose to ignore, as we lock ourselves in our safety bubbles, away from the poverty that every city contains. [...]
This is one of the coolest photos of James Dean, on his motorcycle. I love the imperfection of old photographs, I just feel that the ‘perfection’ of modern day photos, with Photoshop and touch ups, takes away from the moment that the picture is trying to capture. Click on for the full photo [...]