0 Comments Co-anchorage in Kalk Bay

Article written by the awesome Sean Lloyd on the 22 Nov 2007

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You liked that didn’t you? You enjoyed that headline. You know, I managed to get “Co anchor” in because the co-anchor and I went to Kalk Bay on Friday. I also managed to sneak “anchorage” in. Because Kalk Bay has the whole ocean/harbour thing which naturally lends its hand to it having boats. Boats have anchors. Anchorage fits into this theme. Do you see where I’m at right now? Nice. Now did you enjoy it? I know. Me too. Yes I am THAT crazy. But I know you will still call me… If I go crazy. Which I am. So you will still call me…?

Seriously, that’s the type of weekend I had(I typed this up on Monday), where I start typing such alarming things as I just have done. You never know what I’m doing.

Right now thats out the way! So what happened in Kalk Bay? We obviously had a good look at the Kalk Bay people who are quite interesting. Very much on their own wavelength. We saw two strage looking kids and Britter said “Oh God they look like those people from that movie…” And then she could not remember.

I quickly said “Like the Hills have eyes?”

At this point Britter burst out laughing as I was in fact correct. Britter thinks there is stuff that she knows that I don’t know. But she is wrong. I know what she knows before she even knows it. I often just read her mind for fun. She honestly believes sometimes that there are things on this planet that she knows that I don’t know. Well she is wrong.

Kalk Bay is wicked and obviously we popped into The Brass Bell for a drinky drink. It was not my call, it was the co-anchors addictive personality that had us going for one drink. I don’t like going for one drink because it usually ends in disaster.
The shops along Kalk Bay are quite cool and there is a lot of old stuff to buy at the antique places. You will find all sorts of stuff that you don’t actually need, but are compelled to buy it because it’s old. And you feel you need to have a bit of history in your life and your home.

It could also be that you have inhaled too much second hand herb smoke whilst trawling Kalk Bay and you are on a bit of a different level of thinking.

I saw various alarming things such as a manual pair of what looked like hair clippers. Great if you have a lifetime to shave your head. Nice for the barber shop.

We shot out the front of The Brass Bell and Bing Bong felt compelled to jump into Britters lap. I was then forced to take a photo and was quite jealous of Bing Bong. Naturally. Bing Bong chats up birds at Tiger Tiger, then steals part of the show at FTV bar and then jumps into the co-anchors lap. He is only a week old! Horny little bugger.

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So anyway I took the photo and then punched Bing Bong, he deserved it. Bastard.

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View from The Brass Bell area taken a few months back. It shouldn’t have changed too much.

Kalk Bay has this weird feel about it where you just feel quite calm and chilled. It’s away from the city, the ocean is there and it feels as though no one actually works. Which is a good feeling. I enjoy it and am rather intrigued by the Kalk Bay scene. I will be back there soon to have another gander at what it is exactly that makes Kalk Bay function the way it does. It might require some in depth scouring of the area and a little bit of finesse. Which I naturally have plenty of.

Take it easy out there. Summer is already taking its party toll.

Sean Lloyd
