0 Comments Rondebosch/ Bishops updates

Article written by the awesome Sean Lloyd on the 23 Aug 2007

I just received an e-mail from Jason M of Bishops, alerting me to the dedicated rugby website that Bishops have running. Well worth a look, instead of going to the link I gave you earlier to the schools general website. I checked the schools rugby website out- Quite impressive. It’s not completely up to date but it lets you know the essentials, including all the Bishops boys who have represented the Springboks which includes Dugald MacDonald.

For those of you who are unaware, Dugald MacDonald is a complete Iron Man. Not only has he played rugby for South Africa, but he has rowed across the Atlantic in a transatlantic rowing race in a two man boat. Can someone spell IRON?

In addition to this, in 2005 Dugald and two of his varsity friends became the first South Africans to walk to the magnetic North Pole.

I met Dugald a couple of years ago when I was quite young(I am however, still youthful) at none other than Peter Cronjes house! For those of you unaware of this, Peter Cronje played for the Springboks in the 1970’s, awesome! Peter was also the first person to ever score a 4 point try! Myself and Pete like to kick it sometimes and I was over at his place for dinner not too long ago where I enjoyed quite a nice roast dinner. It was lovely. To make this even more bizarre…I used to live two houses down from Peter Cronje. Then there was the time when I lived in Rondebosch, right next door to Joel Stransky. As a little kid I used to kick around with Joel, how awesome is that! I have quite a rugby pedigree…which is odd considering I know nothing about the game.

I will now go on to blind you with even more information! Peter Cronjes son, David, played for the Rondebosch 1st XV in 2000, where Rondebosch beat Bishops at home, at Bishops, and at the Villagers sevens tournament! How times have changed…

Even more bizarre is the fact that my brother also played for the 1st XV in 2000! And I turn out to be a mountain biker…Quite odd really.

One more bit of knowledge…You might be interested to know that Justin Melck also played for Rondebosch in 2000 and he now plays for a side called “Western Province” And he has the biggest set of guns I have ever seen on a person. His hands resemble baseball mitts.

Yes, I know what you are thinking right now:

“This Editor is a vast fountain of knowledge!”

Well…you know…I suppose I get around a bit being a writer and all.

This Saturdays game is going to be intense, and I am currently prepping myself. SLXS is ready to get excessed.

Sean Lloyd
