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Student credit cards?(Update: I’m retarded, see below)

I have just been dreaming up a few new ideas, and I was thinking of (Still am) starting another website dedicated solely to the pursuit of drinking. Drinking anything, from the finest whiskey’s to the shadiest cane and cream sober at Terrace in Stellenbosch. But I need time for this because I’m busy. Sort of. Ok not really.

Anyway I was getting into character for creating ideas for the website when I was interrupted by a mate of mine who wanted to use a credit card. He needed to order something on the internet but he doesn’t have a credit card. While he is extremely wealthy, he does not have a job, and so cannot apply for a credit card which is quite a bitch.

credit card

Being on the state I was (G&T) I decided that banks should harden up, and introduce a student credit card, well, one that essentially works as a debit card, but can be used for internet purchases. So much of our life is online now and besides, ordering online is not embarrassing. I buy more hair products than a chick, and more moisturisers, and face washes, so it’s cool to order online and not have people stare at you like you are a loony.

Basically you have a card with all the numbers on it like a credit card, the CCV number on the back etc, but you can’t order anything if you don’t have money in the account linked to the card.

Would it be that difficult to introduce something like this? A lot of students, and people in general, do have loads of money to spend, but this does not necessarily mean that they have jobs. And so they are cut out from ordering things online which I think is a major hassle.

I think this idea should be introduced for a few reasons:

1) It would introduce a whole new market to internet purchases.

2) I came up with the idea and I am AWESOME.

3) Loads of people are rich, but that does not mean they have jobs and a monthly income from an employer.

I think it’s a sick idea, and I’m quite impressed with myself. So much so that I’m taking the rest of the day off.

Come on ABSA, or Virgin, surely you can put something together? If not, I hate you.

Cheers to that!

(The sound of ice cracking is heard as the gin hits it…the music fades to “I’m all out of love”… the curtains close…Sean calls it a day…)

UPDATE: Ok it appears I’m an absolute idiot. Apparently you can already do this with something called a cheque card, click the heading of this article and see the comments. The Standard Bank one is a Mastercard. Wow…that’s quite embarrassing, WHY didn’t I know about this? Why didn’t anyone tell me? Why am I such an idiot? What is going on here? What is the point of life?

Sean Lloyd

Editor and Former Child Prodigy Digg Technorati Blinklist Furl reddit


  1. September 1st, 2008 | 4:47 pm

    Boom! You know it!

  2. stephen
    September 2nd, 2008 | 12:15 am

    sean you toss, its called a cheque card. most banks have them already. get with the times boy.

  3. stephen
    September 2nd, 2008 | 12:22 am

    mine from standard bank is a mastercard. thats master, not maestro. just incase you were confused. always a pleasure.

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