0 Comments Derek Watts IS Veronica Corningstone!

Article written by the majestic Sean Lloyd on the 24 Mar 2008

Derek Watts

Carte Blanche

So last week we had a little chat about Derek Watts ending off the Carte Blanche program with “You stay classy South Africa” As anyone schooled in the simple act of humour will know, this is the classic line from Ron Burgundy.

Anyway I was honestly thinking that this was a once off and that Derek was never going to do this again. I mean it was so classic that you would think it could not be done again.

Until last night.

I was chilling minding my own business when I realise Carte Blanche is about to end. So casually I just listened in to the last piece of the show.

Mother of God.

Derek, as calm as he could be, uttered the iconic words:

“Thanks for stopping by”


Honestly last week my excitement was through the roof, but this week I’m absolutely shattered. I’m broken. I’m silenced. I mean, HAVE YOU EVER?!

Derek actually used the line that Veronica Corningstone made famous. You know what? Derek Watts is achieving what he wanted to achieve all these years. He has been great on Carte Blanche but he has now been catapulted to super stardom. He has captured the young audience for sure.

When I said last week that Derek was about sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll I was kind of just making it up. But now it’s a certainty. It’s a given. Derek IS sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll.

Why don’t we have more presenters like Derek? Why is everyone afraid to have a couple of in jokes?

Derek, well done bud.

We salute you!

Sean Lloyd
