September 04th 2007 Posted in
As we go into our second part of the global event that is Earthwave, we have flipped the theme on its head by going for a completely different angle. I have always thought of surfers to be the super chilled out people who like to hit a bong from time to time. Which I’m sure is true for a couple of them. Obviously to think that all surfers partake in smoking Stuyvesant Green is a large generalisation. But let’s just go with it anyway, because it’s quite fun.
I don’t really have a problem if people do smoke the reef(er)…you like that? Reef like the Great Barrier Reef. Reefer like Stuyvesant Green. Hilarious if you are in that type of mood. Which we are.
So when we arrived we were listening to the commentator of the event and with words spewing out like “China” and “Bru”, we knew we were in for a day of laughs.
The first laugh came from some little kid we saw, dressed in a full wetsuit, complete with swimming goggles. The little tyke could barely see where he was going, but at least his parents could be confident that he was protected from the UV rays, the cold, and pretty much anything else that life could throw at him. He was walking like a zombie, it was hilarious!
“Luke… I am your father!
Ahhh good times!
Then while we were waiting for all the action to happen, we noticed a cordoned off area where people and photographers were standing around. We took the 20 metre walk to this area and noticed there was some sort of competition going on for the kids. They were searching for prizes of candy or something, which is all well and fine. I’m cool with that. Really.
But upon closer inspection, I noticed something that was slightly out of place. I’m not sure if anyone else noticed but…but…
Let me gather myself for a second here.
Think of happy places.
There was a grown man, wearing a wetsuit, digging for prizes! Bizarreness at the highest level!
“It’s a bong! It’s a bong!”
I have not seen that variety of humour in quite a long time, but it does have amusing results! I was nearly crying with tears. People must have thought that I was an emotional wreck, but I was in fact quite happy.
There was also a little stop for all the hungry surfers. Some might have been hungry from all the surfing and exercise and others might have had a hunger of a different type.
You could refer to this as “Munchies”
I am awesome.
There was also a water bar. Which I thought was quite odd, considering we LITERALLY had about a kazillion cubic litres of water in front of us.
Then onto the absolute best photo of the day. It is due to my comedic thinking that when I arrived at the beach, I was looking for anything related to the reefer. And so it came to be, that the photo of the day had to be Photoshopped a little bit. Look, it’s not the best Photoshop work, but I think you might get my point. It’s quite a classic in my mind! You won’t see this on the regular news report.
Smokin’ the reefer
And that’s it. That signals the return of summer in Cape Town! Well, Spring at least, but it can’t hurt to pretend. It also signals what a great event Earthwave is. I have just learnt that Brazil beat Cape Towns record of 71, by getting 84 surfers on one wave. Well done Brazil! That’s awesome, I can’t wait until next year where Cape Town will no doubt try and smash the record. We need at least 100 surfers next time! Come on Cape Town, I know you have it in you.
To be honest, I have no doubt that the theme of this article had to do with the sunlight making me quite happy. It’s hilarious what the sun does to you.
I’m sure I have walked past people today who have thought “Who is that bronzed gladiator?”
It’s just me, don’t freak out.
Keep cool my babies.
Sean Lloyd