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SLXS- Thanking the fashions Gods it’s not 2003

I won’t lie,I had a proper laugh at this, because looking back on this, the GQ team were clearly doing this for a laugh! It was a a two page spread in the April/May 2003 edition of GQ South Africa. It was entitled “Get the look: GQ transforms two badly drawn boys from the mall into two presentable men about town” Funny.

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This guy, Ryan, was previously wearing scuffed white trainers, and a Manchester United shirt. That is fine because then at least you can pass as a chav. But with the style GQ gave him, he could pass as nothing more than a fashion gimp. At least being a chav is quite widespread in Britain, and there are others chavs to hang out with. But there is NO ONE else on the planet who would dress like he did in the above photo, so you are pretty much on your own there, Ryan.

GQ must have been in the early stages of a drug addiction which they have now kicked, that is the only explanation for that horror outfit. I can’t even believe it, with the magazine right in front of me. I don’t want to know what you are thinking right now, without the magazine as proof. You probably think that I am having YOU on. But I’m not. At the time it was GQ editor Daniel Ford and fashion director Amanda Gowing who chose that outfit. Now we have Craig Tyson as editor, and hopefully he never makes this mistake.

It’s funny how over four years later, you look through the news and the same people are still in it. In this particular issue Minki Van Der Westhuizen was on the cover. This was just after she had been awarded the Guess? jeans contract. And now she has just got married this past weekend! It’s crazy. Paris Hilton was also in this issue, and four years later, she looks just as dumb.

I’m lying. She looks a whole lot dumber! Just look at her recently on David Letterman:

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I r brick

They also had the “Man of the moment”, who was the dude from the Calvin Klein Crave campaign, Travis Fimmel. The reason I mention this is because I actually don’t know anyone who purchased the “Crave” fragrance. It came in quite a cool plastic bottle with a side trigger, but I distinctly remember trying it and not liking it. And clearly I had the same thoughts as everyone else, because they no longer sell it. I bet you Travis doesn’t care, he probably made a million dollars for doing that. In fact, according to Wikipedia, he was the first male model to sign a six figure deal to represent Calvin Klein exclusively. Shame. So he probably did make a few million dollars.

It’s so good looking back on old times to see how some things have changed, and how some things haven’t.

Sean Lloyd


The GQ man

I like to keep a check on what is happening with my site, and find it quite amusing how people find SLXS when NOT trying to find SLXS. For instance, if you type in “virgin active gym claremont closing times”, SLXS comes up first! Well, below the sponsored link from Virgin Active. Hilarious!

I don’t really know what to say. There was something else I wanted to say, but I forgot. Oh, it’s got to do with Mark Wahlberg. But I need to take a photo for that post, so maybe I will post it tomorrow morning.I also need a gun for that photo which is quite odd. I’m sure I can organise. Just a pellet gun, not an AK-47.

OH WAIT! This is what I wanted to say right now. Obviously Cape Town is full of spectacular people, like the guy in the following photos. Myself and Charlie V were taking a drive past Clifton on Saturday morning, when we spotted this guy, at about 11am, walking in a suit and running shoes.

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Cape Town cruising. I think I made this photo a bit too big. 

Look, he is probably a hard working guy, pays his taxes and never does anything wrong and here I am laughing because he is wearing running shoes with a suit. Maybe he finds it comfortable. Maybe he is so rich that he just wears whatever the hell he likes. Maybe? But walking past Clifton at that time in a suit seemed a little out of place.

We made like the paparazzi because we first drove past him and realised what he was wearing. Then we turned around and pulled into a parking area  on the side of the road and waited for him to walk past so we could take some photos out the passenger window. Then we went out the parking lot and followed him and Charlie got another photo while we drove past him. Is it even legal to do this kind of stuff? Probably not.

Anyway, I’m sure GQ would not be impressed with what he has done. We should actually set him up with a GQ South Africa subscription. I think I have one. No I don’t, I just buy it every month.

You should buy the October 2007 GQ to see some nice pictures of Jessica Alba, and also an interview with one of my favourite actors, Christian Bale. He is on that same toughness level as Mark Wahlberg. I dig it.

Enjoy the public holiday, and National Braai Day!

Sean Lloyd


Sable Square- Not very photogenic

As we find our way around Cape Town in the hope of covering everything we find ourselves being denied photo’s of many things. Cubana was the first bizarre “Access denied” photo opportunity. Today I thought I would take a little cruise through to Sable Square with Charlie V.

Sable Square finds itself situated just past the ever popular and ever huge Canal Walk shopping centre. When I first heard a mention of this centre I thought it was going to be like Access Park in Kenilworth. I HATE access park. Everything you find there seems to be a reject of sorts. I tried on some jeans at Levi’s the other day and a button was missing and the pockets seemed to be so small that I could not fit my hand into them. Very strange. And you always need to check clothes there to see that there are no defects with them.

Sable Square solves this problem by offering you a top quality shopping centre, with no rejects. Everything there is just older stock, at vastly reduced prices. I was looking at Levi’s jeans today for R200. Granted, all the guys sizes were a 28, which is quite small. However, at a shop just down from Levi’s, of which I forget the name, they are selling loads of size 32 mens Diesel jeans for R745. Quite decent prices, if you want to live a life of excess, on a budget.

Sunglass Warehouse is definitely the ticket though! Sunglasses by the likes of Gucci, Armani and Diesel can be found there. They are found between 30% and 70% cheaper than normal retail prices. Fantastic! I even found a pair of Roy Orbison style Ray Bans, if you want to look like Roy that is. There were also some of the classic Ray Ban Aviators, for the many flying expeditions we do.

I was busy taking a photo of the centre, when security approached me and said I’m not allowed to take photos. I know this is a rule in all shopping centres and I suppose I can’t really complain. However, I think it could be good publicity for the centre. Anyway, I approached centre management, got their details and I will e-mail them soon to see if we are allowed to take a photo of the centre, legally, for SLXS.

It’s a great centre but it is looking a little sparse at the moment. Not all the shops are open but I think it could do well. It is a top quality centre, and there is a Pick ‘n Pay there and a few reastaurants also find themselves scattered around. I never ate though, instead myself and Charlie V had a nice cold Windhoek beer at Caffe Villagio. Great times.

Now if we could just get a photo of the place, you would be able to gain further insight into what makes this place so special.

For more details on the centre, where it is, and what shops it offers, click HERE

I shall be in contact with the upper echelons of management shortly, in the name of fashion.

Sean Lloyd


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