The Salt Trail

I spotted this from a friend Will on Facebook and it’s quite an incredible trailer for a surf/travel film that has been self funded by filmmaker Mark Waters. I often see this these days, the best work being self funded while brands continue to try and get their names or hashtags to trend.
Maybe I’m just of the old school, but I’m drawn towards compelling stories and beautiful storytelling and I believe brands are able to tell these stories without plastering their names all over the films. I love this and wish more of this sort of stuff could be properly funded so that talented filmmakers are able to get out there and tell the stories that mean something to people and make a connection with people.
And what I hate the most is this amazing trailer has only had 25k views, while everyone loses their minds over a Miley Cyrus video. It tell you all you need to know about the world we live in and what we find important.
This is a story about splashing some colour into your lives, by opening your eyes, breaking away from the mould and following your dreams. As wave sliders, we are inspired by the ocean to travel the globe in search of perfect waves but the deeper you look and the further you go, you realise that its not about finding that perfect slide…its about the people you meet and what you find along the way and how these experiences change you deep within.
The biggest aim of the project has been to inspire people to do what truly makes them happy.
The Salt Trail // TRAILER from The Salt Trail on Vimeo.