My Worn In Nudie Slim Jim Broken Twill

My Nudies have reached the end of their functional life and are now starting to fall apart wherever they can. Yet as I pack them away and archive them, I couldn’t be more proud of them and how they have shaped themselves to reflect my life.
For those new to dry and raw denim, we buy these jeans unwashed and as raw as the day they came off the production line. The first time you wear them they are stiff and uncomfortable. But over the coming months and years they start to wear and reflect the life you live. You’re not supposed to wash them for at least 6 months and on this pair I managed about 1.5 years before I gave them their first soak.
This is what they look like when you buy them:
And this is them after I’ve put my life and soul into them:
So while many people would rather buy their jeans worn in, I prefer for a more authentic way of living. This also ensures that no one has the exact same pair of jeans as I do.
Check out to get your hand on some really rad denim.