Spice Up Your Style With Nic Socks

To be honest, I’ve never actually thought about what socks I wear. I just buy black socks, because that’s what’s in store. But since seeing Nic Socks continually on my Twitter timeline, I thought I should let you know about them.
Nic Haralambous is the man behind Nic Socks (Nic sold his company Motribe, to Mxit) His love of awesome socks led to him founding Nic Socks, because he knew he could make better socks at a much lower price than what designer brands are selling them for.
Nic Haralambous – The man behind Nic Socks
Designer brands think nothing of charging you R600 for a pair of socks. And as we saw a few years back, GQ showed a pair of Hugo Boss socks for R2500 (Are they on drugs?)
Nic Socks are manufactured from locally sourced bamboo and are locally manufactured, and are only R99 a pair. Bamboo is an awesome material for socks because it’s environmentally friendly and also keeps cool. So besides supporting local industries, they’re way cheaper than their international counterparts, which have insane prices just because of their name. I mean honestly, how boring are those Hugo Boss socks above? My Woolworths ones look the same and I got about 4 pairs for under R200.
Rocking some ass kicking socks is such a rad way to add a little spice to your daily look, but it’s not something most men think about. The cool thing is now you don’t even need to go to the shops and be hassled by condescending designer store shop assistants! (I once walked into Burberry at the V&A Waterfront in shorts and a t-shirt, and you honestly would have thought I had just kicked an infant/small animal in the head by the looks I was getting)
With Nic Socks you can order online (Fits sizes 8-12), and have your socks delivered straight to your palace of love.
I also spotted on Twitter that one of Cape Town’s favourite designers, Daniel Ting Chong is doing some designs for Nic Socks. Trust me, you’ll want to get hold of a pair of those when they come out. All Nic Socks are limited edition so the chances of you seeing someone else wearing the same socks as you are very slim. I really love these Barber Shop ones, but unfortunately they are already sold out. Such a classic look.
Anyway, don’t listen to me rambling on, head on over to NicSocks.com and update your wardrobe with some vibing socks. (The Candy Apple would be my choice)