0 Comments I Surf Because: Dave Rastovich

Article written by the awesome Sean Lloyd on the 15 Mar 2012

I love that line about not being able to describe something. Too often these days we feel the need to add words to things, to quantify them and box them in. We feel the need to describe situations to people on Facebook, Twitter and on blogs. But sometimes we just need to disconnect and experience life, without feeling the need to talk about it. You can ruin some of life’s purest moments with words. Sometimes there is no need for anything to be said. Just enjoy the silence, the moment. There are moments in life that are so great that they render us speechless…and the universe renders us speechless so that we can fully experience the ‘now’

And we’re often asked by people why we do what we do, be it what we do for a living or for a hobby (If we enjoy our jobs that is) We’re expected to give detailed reasons. When in fact the simple answer is we do it because it makes us feel good and because we can.

Cool video that one and some great words by Dave.

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