Mondays Inspiration #24
I caught this from a link from my friend Marco on Facebook…a TED talk by Alain de Botton.This guy is awesome, and he presents a great talk on a kinder, gentler philosophy of success.
“When his father died, his family was left a trust fund of over £200 million, although de Botton says his income is derived solely from the proceeds of his book sales”
Check out this talk for some good life lessons:
And then I read this fantastic post on Zenhabits, it is entitled ‘Toss Your Expectations into the ocean’ and it starts like this:
How much of your stress, frustration, disappointment, anger, irritation, pissed-offedness comes from one little thing?
Almost all of it comes from your expectations, and when things (inevitably) don’t turn out as we expect, from wishing things were different.
Click here to read the full post.
Have an awesome Monday, and kick some ass!