Firstly, here is a short snippet from the weekends finish:
Seven-time champion and leading contender throughout the race, Hank McGregor, claimed his eighth win in the men’s race. Coming in at second place was Pierre-Andre Rabie followed by Lance King in third position.
Taking top honours in the ladies race was Olympic athlete, Michēle Eray followed by Robyn Kime in second place and Jen Hodson in third.
In a landmark decision within South African sporting history and to commemorate how far the race has come, Windhoek increased the prize money contribution this year allowing equal winnings for both men and women. Both Michēle and Hank took home a whopping R35 000 as part of their winnings.
“Both the men and women that participated displayed admirable amounts of commitment, dedication and courage in completing this tough race. The brand saw it fit to reward their efforts equally,” says Alan Roberts, Marketing Manager of the Windhoek Trademark, South Africa.
Alright, and here is what you’re looking to win:
To win, it’s really easy. Just leave your name and e-mail below, as well as the answer to this question:
What legendary beer brand supports the Berg River Canoe Marathon?
And Murray Walker says it’s green…GO GO GO!!
And remember, Windhoek is not for sale to persons under the age of 18. Please drink responsibly. This competition is not open to anyone under the age of 18. Prizes will be handed over to competition winners after the verification of their ID numbers. Competition closes at 2pm on the 19th of July 2011.
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