Cocaine gets expensive in Zimbabwe

My geography teacher, Mr Endley, always knew that I was going to be miserable at geography because I was more interested in girls and biology. So that’s why he would laugh when I, and all my associates, would draw massive koks on his chalk board.

So I’m sure he will forgive me now for not knowing which direction Zimbabwe is in relation to Cape Town. So I will just say this, our boys to the north/ south/ west/ east are battling with their cocaine addictions. And no, they are not battling to kick their addictions, because rehab is for quitters, but rather they are battling to afford even een grammetjie (As I turn onto my Dutch side)

I think it should be in the constitution that we should all be able to afford at least one gram. Looking at the price of coke today, and translating it into Zimbabwean dollars, we see that food prices are not the problem, but cocaine prices could be.

Imagine paying $1.25 trillion (Zim dollars) for a gram of cocaine? Insane! No wonder Bob is so happy up there, he knows his people can’t afford the coke, and so he is putting it up that nose of his. You can see it in his eyes though, he is a little bit crazy from doing too much coke. I know some of you may think there is no such thing as too much, but we must agree that he is putting too much charlie up his shnozz.

My normal Sunday morning routine consists of kicking the random supermodel out my room and then ambling down to the cafe to get a copy of the Sunday Times, where I flip to the back page, download the photo of the back page girl into my memory and then pour a nice little afternoon drinky drink.

Imagine my surprise today when I had to spend $50 billion on the newspaper!

sunday times kit off

So expensive I can’t even afford clothes!

We did get a nice photo of Tanya van Graan on the back page, but the ones myself and her took in Plett in 2003 were much nicer. They even came with a video. We played doctor nurse that day…

Good memories.

But I just think that $1.25 trillion for a gram is pushing it a bit. You know, let’s give the guys a break. If it’s not enough that the Zim prez is a bit of a loony, they still have to deal with funding the essentials like bread, milk, the newspaper and cocaine.

What does a man have to do to get high these days?

Sean Lloyd


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