Universal Cellphone Charger To Use MicroUSB Jack

The world really is a backwards place, and I don’t see how the entire world is going to reduce it’s reliance on fossil fuels if it’s taken a decade or more to simply standardise mobile phone chargers. If such a small thing has taken so long, we really are in trouble. Imagine trying to stop car manufacturers from making city cars that are based on 5.8l petrol engines. As a race, humans really are some of the dumbest things around.

‘Ah but it’s a 5.8l with ‘Efficient Dynamics’, I’m really trying to save the planet’

Enough about that though!

As you know with cell phones, it is a huge mission having to pack  a charger everywhere you go, and it is a little easier now that everyone has a Blackberry. I can charge my phone anywhere, but the good news is that MicroUSB charger that your Blackberry is using, is going to be the universal charger for cellphones very soon. Yes please!

universal cellphone charger microusb

What I use, and what you should use too

Well that’s unless you have an iPhone, as Apple will probably always do their own thing.

The bonus is that you will not have to worry about packing a charger as everyone will have the same one so you can borrow someone elses, and the waste reduction is going to be huge. Less chargers will have to be manufactured, which means less chargers being flown/shipped across the planet, and you will never have to throw your charger out. One charger for the rest of your life…brilliant.

Industry body the GSMA says that 51,000 tonnes of redundant chargers are generated each year. The GSMA also estimates that they will reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by 13.6m tonnes.

Awesome stuff.

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