Matblac Hand Crafted Leather Wallets At The Mobile Boutique In Woodstock

The Mobile Boutique

It’s not often that I’ll move from my perch on a Friday night when I’m stuck in the chill zone. So last night I was chilling out, shooting the breeze, reading the HELLO! magazine and kicking through some of my new DVD’s including A River Runs Through It. You see…I’m deeper than you think! And yes, my Fridays are that crazy…ladies.

So I got a call from my brother last night, telling me that I had to come through to The Mobile Boutique at The Old Biscuit Mill, to check out these awesome hand crafted leather wallets. I suspected something was up, and that this was code for  “I’m being hijacked, I was on the way to the airport, my car broke down and now things are going wrong”

So I jumped in the beast, put foot, and drove so fast that I arrived there earlier than when I left. I like to call this using my Jedi Mind Power.

It’s something Ewan McGregor taught me when we were in our drug days and we used to sit in our wendy house in Kenilworth and spot trains. Later it was adapted into a movie called Trainspotting, I was paid a kazillion dollars for being the inspiration for the film and I ended up where I am now.

So I minced into The Mobile Boutique (I have given up on ‘walking’) at around 7:30 (After leaving home at 7:50) And he was there! So my premonition about the hijacking was completely wrong, but you can never be too cautious.

Now it’s not often that you get calls on a Friday night telling you that you have to see a product made by a local designer. In fact, no one has ever called me from YDE to tell me to come look at anything. But this was different and I was amped.

The modern world has long forgotten about real money and we all pay on debit cards, credit cards and store charge cards. The other benefit of not carrying money like coins is that when the bajillionth guy asks you for small change for food…(Read tik — Awesome story, I stop at the petrol station the other day and some guy says “Sir please some spare change for some food I know you have a good heart” So I cruise back out and throw him a loaf of bread, and he looks at me like I’ve just kicked a baby in the head and says “What am I supposed to do with this?” Ja, AWESOME)…you can say “No no little man, I don’t think I can”

And matblac wallets know this, and have foregone a coins pocket, for the simplicity and style of a space to hold your notes, and space to hold your cards. And this is all you really need, R500 in cash in your wallet (Always carry cash for bribing traffic cops…what? Nothing), your AMEX and other bank cards, driving license and that’s it. None of this other rubbish that collects in your wallet like till slips, business cards and the like.

matblac logo 1

The benefit: Your jeans pocked doesn’t bulge because of your wallet, that is actually more like a satchel with all the rubbish stored in it. This looks better, it feels better and life is easier, plus your jeans keep their shape. Life is all about keeping it simple these days, because we’ve got so many systems to ‘make life easier’ that have actually made them more difficult. Don’t get me started on the number of store ‘points voucher’ cards we need to always carry. I think they should honestly be stored digitally on a chip on one card…seriously nerds, do something to fix this.

Anyway the matblac wallets are nothing short of awesome! Mat Neilson has designed and hand crafted a range of wallets that have been two years in the making. What’s awesome is that the wallet closes using magnets. Two ultra slim magnets keep it closed and keep everything inside and they have a 1 year guarantee or $1 million in cash back (I might be wrong here…don’t take my word for it..ha!) Let’s check it uit:

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The card holder

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Next to my wallet, which is quite honestly, embarrassing now

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And the great thing is that you can buy some one off designs, so you’re not going to be carrying around a Fossil or Polo wallet like your other friends (You can now point at them, laugh and go “Get out my way…plebbski”). They’re slim, hand crafted, beautifully designed and even better is the price — If I’m correct they’re around R320 – R350, which is a lot cheaper than those other wallets that are “Designed In The Swiss Alps” but then manufactured in a sweatshop that is located in an underground bunker below a fish and chips shop in Taipei. And it’s cool to support local. The great thing about this local is that it’s got an international look, you’re not crusing around with an ostrich skin (Joburg kugel) wallet with a buffalo imprinted on it. That’s just too local, Pietrus.

This wallet will be as comfortable in Cape Town as it will be in L.A when you go there to hang out with Paris and the crew.

matblac wallets and card holders are local, hand made of leather and are available at The Mobile Boutique that takes place on Fridays at The Old Biscuit Mill, and according to the website the trading dates are December 11, 15, 28, 29 and 30. Otherwise you can drop Mat an e-mail at matblac (at) live (dot) co (dot) za

You saw it here first.

Alpha Bravo Charlie check it…

Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a fly by.

Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.

Click here for The Mobile Boutique website.

4 Comments on “Matblac Hand Crafted Leather Wallets At The Mobile Boutique In Woodstock

  1. Does this mean that I’ll have to donate all my small change to the shop next time I buy something?

  2. Yeah, no more carrying change around! Keep some coins in the car, pay on debit. It’s the way to roll. Tricky when just buying a Coke though…

  3. I got myself a MatBlac wallet, they pretty sick hey! Love the designs and the price aint bad at all.

    Nice one Matti:)

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