2 Comments Find out when someone removes you as a friend on Facebook

Article written by the brilliant Sean Lloyd on the 03 Sep 2009


So it seems that reading nerdy websites such as Mashable and Techcrunch is finally paying off for el Seano! We’ve got Facebook WAR here at SLXS and it has been well documented that I lose friends from time to time on Facebook. It’s not like I check obsessively…but when you lose 10 ‘friends’, it is somewhat noticeable.

Well now, thanks to a little application, you can check who is de-friending you on Facebook! Whether this is a good thing or not is debatable. I actually have an awesome story here, this one chick added me on Facebook ages ago but we never really had a good bonding session, not in that sense, but we just never chatted. Anyway, in the period where I lost quite a lot of friends on Facebook (Some people clearly can’t handle an Adonis), she was one of the people to remove me as a friend.

And the only reason I knew she removed me? Because in the right hand bar it sometime says “Friend suggestions”, and her mugshot popped up, busted! Not that it particularly bothered me, as I was at the Llandudno pad that day and it is a fact that nothing worries me when I’m at Llandudno bronzing my sculpted hide.

Now with this friend checker it also presents another problem…psychos. You all have those girlfriend/boyfriends who are obsessive. You sort of know that at night they fumble about your Facebook profile, downloading your photos onto their hard drive. So the moment you delete them as a friend, they will know and in all likelihood they will do something crazy. I know a couple of these people, and although we don’t ever speak and I know they check on me, I don’t dare delete them. The only time I’ll delete them is if I basically have a sudden urge to die. They will kill me, of that I’m sure.

Original article at Mashable.

Download the Facebook friend checker over here.(Stalker)


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This site sucks!!!

September 04 2009 16:08 pm Sean Lloyd Website

The Facebook site, or this 'site'

It's not as bad as working at Sanlam

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