Krating Daeng: The Original Red Bull
Posted by Sean Lloyd on Sunday, April 10, 2011 · Leave a Comment

Well the original Red Bull actually goes by the name ‘Krating Daeng’, and is a Thai drink, formulated to give energy to factory workers so as to increase production and help them finish their shift. And if it can give you energy to finish one of those shift, it’ll kick your face in on the average day.
Krating Daeng translates to Red Bull, which is why you and me drink Red Bull. It’s also much cheaper in Thailand, because, you know, they don’t have to pay million dollar athletes.
While we know Red Full as a fizzy drink, Krating Daeng is fizz free, thicker like syrup and contains more caffeine. Yes please! Now in America, from my source article, a Red Bull cost around $1.50, in 2010, in Thailand at that time it cost 9 bath, or around 27 US cents.
So we all know friends working in Thailand or going there on holiday, so chat to your buddies and get them to bring some Krating Daeng back to South Africa for you. I’m amped to give it a try.
Category: Uncategorized · Tags: krating daeng, red bull